
  • Strategy Definition
  • Strategic Roadmapping
  • Business Analysis
  • Maturity Assessment
  • Information Architecture

We specialise in:

  • Advisory Services
  • Change Management
  • Quality Assurance
  • Project Management
  • Agile Delivery
  • Outsource Services

Data and analytics strategy

Every organisation must respond to the new global digital economy in order to remain competitive.

Intelligent organisations, empowered by insights, put the power of information in the hands of every decision maker.

Stellar’s business advisory team helps organisations of all shapes and sizes capitalise on the efficiencies, advantages and opportunities presented by data and analytics. We work with business decision-makers to identify and quantify the value of their data analytics and business intelligence strategy, and turn their ideas into a realistic action plan designed to gain the most from their investment.

Best practice success

Stellar Consulting’s unique, best practice Seven Essentials of Success enables long-term success by ensuring all essential areas are in focus. It draws on our broad experience in designing, implementing, and supporting data analytics solutions, and helps to bring focus to the often-overlooked people and process areas that are so crucial to adoption and ongoing success.

We help leading organisations find value and advantage in their data, and chart a course of action for them to reap the rewards.

Data and analytics strategy process

The road to improved data and analytics is seldom straight, but Stellar’s experienced business advisory team knows how to navigate the twists and turns. We’ll assess your existing capabilities and analyse your business information needs. We’ll work with you to develop a vision and detailed roadmap to maximise your information assets with clear and simple steps to improve each area.

Stellar can also provide focused advice on business process optimisation, customer analytics and engagement, cloud services, and applying data and analytics strategy for business innovation.

We’ll work with you to implement these in your business, and that includes identifying quick-win tactical initiatives to gain momentum while we help you build a world-class capability.
