

Working on Binokula

Jason Chen provides technical development and support on Binokula, Stellar‘s innovative product offering an organisation’s customers and partners easy and secure access to Power BI analytics, reporting and visualisations.

The subscription-based Binokula grew out of a challenge posed by one of Stellar Consulting’s customers. They asked Stellar to figure out how to extend what was in Power BI to their customer network. The Stellar team got to work on building an interface that authorised users could log into via a simple web browser to access Power BI reports and analytics.

Jason’s job

Jason’s job is to design and implement new features for Binokula and provide general support. For new features, Jason follows the software development lifecycle (SDLC): requirement analysis, design, development, testing and implementation.

When addressing support issues, Jason uses problem-solving techniques to get to the bottom of the problem that caused the issue. The goal is a more stable system, and issues that do not re-occur.


As in every role, there are some challenges in Jason’s work. One of them is the update of legacy code and code framework when new features or changes are implemented.

This work is very time-consuming. Full system testing is necessary whenever the legacy code and framework have been updated. However, an advantage is that with each iteration he gains more understanding and expertise in Binokula.

Opportunities for businesses

Businesses are now making more targeted investments to leverage the power of their data. Binokula can help you extend the use of an organisation’s data cost-effectively. Binokula plans start at US$399 per month for 100 users. Find out more on the Binokula site.


Data, Innovation, Stellar News, Technology



BinokulaNew Zealand

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