

Photos from Downstream 2016

Hon Simon Bridges, Minister of Energy and Resources, speaking at Downstream 2016

It was great to see so many leaders of New Zealand’s downstream energy sector at the annual Downstream conference earlier this month in Auckland. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Stellar booth for a chat.

In the photo above, Hon Simon Bridges, Minister of Energy and Resources, speaks during the second day of Downstream 2016

Here are few more photos from the event.

418 people, representing 183 organisations, attended Downstream 2016 at SkyCity Convention Centre in Auckland.
418 people, representing 183 organisations, attended Downstream 2016 at SkyCity Convention Centre in Auckland.
Stellar Consulting Partner Travis Barker and Lead Consultant Fernando Ponte at Downstream 2016
Stellar Consulting Partner Travis Barker and Lead Consultant Fernando Ponte at Downstream 2016
Stellar Consulting General Manager Nicholas Glanfield and Consulting Partner Travis Barker at Downstream 2016
Stellar Consulting General Manager Nicholas Glanfield and Consulting Partner Travis Barker at Downstream 2016


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