

Stellar Wellness

By Melissa Broadbent
Chief Operating Officer at Stellar



One of Stellar’s values is People People People. In line with this, our Workplace Wellness Committee has been formed. Consisting of 7 staff members from across the business, varying in age and seniority, our objective is to regularly consider and implement wellness initiatives for the whole Stellar team.

Client First

First up was our new Flexible Working Arrangement, which we introduced recently. It gives staff the ability to determine where they wish to work – from home, client site, or Stellar office – and when. We are always striving to delight our customers, and we acknowledge their requirements as being paramount. So, these are always top-of-mind for our consultants when they select their work locations for the coming week. It also gives staff the opportunity to attend to things in their day-to-day lives that might otherwise be difficult under the old 9-5 scenario.

Next, we revisited and updated the dress code. We wanted to recognise the more casual vibe adopted by many public and private sectors organisations in recent years. Again, the overriding principle the Wellness Committee has agreed on is that client preferences must come first, so our dress must always be guided by these. The new dress code gives us the chance to relax a little more and express ourselves over and above the more formal, corporate attire of the past.

Everyone Connected

We’re now looking forward to thinking up a range of social activities for staff to enjoy. We are focusing on keeping everyone connected using online channels, games, tools, etc.  Some great ideas are emerging which will be fun for all involved.

Committee membership will rotate regularly, giving everyone a chance to participate. Exciting times, and a great opportunity for everyone to get involved, enjoy the work environment more, and get to know one another better.


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