

Sharing the knowledge 

By Fernando Ponte
Lead Consultant at Stellar



This post is about sharing knowledge.

The sharing of information is crucial for any organisation’s survival. Different organisations share information in different ways and at different levels, depending on if the information is business-critical, confidential, operational, procedural, or just an instant message saying the coffee machine is broken (we all hate that one – especially on Mondays!!).

Different organisations, different tools

Organisations document projects or support processes in multitudes of ways and often utilising a variety of tools like Confluence, SharePoint, or many other market-ready tools. But the question remains, is this documentation enough? Staff members will happily produce support and handover documentation, but how should we teach people how to do the work? Words on paper just don’t carry the sophistication of spoken language, nor the convey the two-way nature of the information.

The “Stellar way”

At Stellar, we build online classes for our consultants to learn all about a customer. So, anyone at our offices can go online and review the knowledge shared about a customer in a series of workshops videos. We use these to both learn about a customer and to learn how Stellar can provide support for a customer in different areas. These aren’t just technical instruction manuals either as they cover off things like:

  • Critical projects and processes
  • Main points of contact, the people and team culture
  • Business Environment and methodologies (Agile, waterfall etc)
  • Technical Environments (Core and data)
  • Escalation points (Internal and Stellar)
  • Content Management Systems and Documentation.
  • Troubleshooting and problem-solving

Those items are just examples of information present on the knowledge base that support our services. New online classes are introduced when required covering off the most basic customer processes, to supporting complex projects. The wider Stellar team has access to it, to review knowledge, update the details and if required to transition new team members when required.

We are happy to talk

How is your business handling the sharing of knowledge? Talk to us at Stellar if you want more information. Our Data and Analytics expertise and our Seven Essentials will help you perform a complete business assessment on your company and to identify the business pain points. We are always happy to help organisations share information better.


Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data, Technology



Business IntelligenceFernando PonteNew Zealand

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