

Blog posts of the month

Every week Stellar brings you a new article on a different interesting topic. In case you missed them, please see the blog posts from October.

Sharing information within a company is crucial. Staff members will happily produce support and handover documentation, but how should we teach people how to do the work? Words on paper just don’t carry the sophistication of spoken language, nor the convey the two-way nature of the information. Read a blog post from Fernando Ponte about the “Stellar way” of sharing the knowledge.

The world of social media is new creative territory and brands are best advised to keep up in order to stay relevant. Here are some social media tips from iconic Kiwi brands including Stellar.

A new case study is here! Read and download an article about a recent project with EROAD.

Stellar is in growth mode! Stellar is going gangbusters, and we’re in growth mode! There are a host of new projects on the horizon. With all this activity we’re scouting for new staff. Do you want to know more? Read an article from Melissa Broadbent.

Are you ready for a data scientist? What does success for a “data scientist” look like? To answer that, you need to have a clear idea of what you want them to do for your organisation. Get to know more from Tim Roberts.

Enjoy reading! Don’t forget to contact us with any questions. We are happy to help.


Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data, Stellar News, Stellar People



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