

Is your business ready for Business Intelligence?


While every organisation can benefit from business intelligence tools, many do not have the IT infrastructure in place to support them. Our 7 Essentials of BI Success model outlines four key steps in integrating business intelligence (BI) systems into your enterprise, each of which is critical for the solutions to be effective.

Without being adequately prepared for BI, organisations have a high risk of failure. According to Gartner, 60 per cent of new projects involving big data analysis are likely to be abandoned.

“Many business intelligence and analytics leaders are unsure how to get started with advanced analytics,” said Lisa Kart, research director at Gartner.

“A successful advanced analytics strategy is about more than simply acquiring the right tools. It’s also important to change mindsets and culture, and to be creative in search of success.”

Preparing for successful BI

When devising your BI strategy, the first question to ask is whether or not your business is capable of adopting the tools. For New Zealand organisations preparing for BI, carrying out a current state assessment is often the beginning of their journey.

“Many BI and analytics leaders are unsure of how to get started with advanced analytics.”

Business Intelligence tools are the final step of the assessment. After all, without the supporting elements – people, process and data – BI technology will have little impact.

Engaging your team and clearly communicating the value of BI will establish the foundations of data-driven culture modern enterprises need while establishing processes based on shared information and collaboration will generate valuable performance insight.

Once your people and processes are aligned with BI strategy, it’s time to make sense of the data that will form the basis of your solution. Through cleansing and integration, raw data is transformed into consistent, usable information that is more easily managed – crucial for the volumes that businesses now deal with.

The benefits of BI consulting

With the high rates of failure revealed in Gartner’s research, getting the preparation phase right is imperative. To assist New Zealand businesses with their digital strategy, Stellar Consulting provides an assessment of your existing BI capabilities across the four areas outlined above.

Working with your team, our consultants devise a clear road map for your BI journey – offering advice on optimisation of your current IT assets, and where your infrastructure can be improved.

If your organisation is ready to seize the opportunities revealed through Business Intelligence, please get in touch with Stellar Consulting today.





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