

Dan “Data Vault” Linstedt in Auckland

Stellar's Craig Larmer (L) and Chris du Toit (R) with Dan "Data Vault" Linstedt

Data Vault is a database modelling method designed to withstand unforeseen changes in a business. One of the ways it does this is by capturing all of a business’s data so that it can be available if and when needed in the future.

This “single version of the facts” differs from models that “cleanse” data in hopes of achieving a “single version of the truth“.

Data Vault was created in 1990 by Dan Linstedt, who is currently touring New Zealand and Australia.

Dan met with a few of Auckland’s analytics professionals last evening, and spoke about the DV methodology as well as telling a few “war stories”.

For an example of Data Vault 2.0 used in New Zealand, see our case study covering Stellar’s work with smart-meter company Metrix.

Pictured: Stellar’s Craig Larmer (L) and Chris du Toit (R) with Dan Linstedt





AucklandData Vault

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