

Meet Stellar Leads: Luke Turnbull

Meet Luke Turnbull. A Stellar General Manager who can make a difference

Luke was born and raised in New Zealand, ‘lived all over the place’ and then travelled the world to come back to New Zealand and run the Stellar team in Wellington. As General Manager for the Southern Region, he works with the team to identify opportunities and translate them into effective solutions across operations and strategy.

East (or) West home’s best

Luke has been back in NZ since early 2018 and as he says he is just “loving it.” What he most appreciates is being able to spend time in NZ’s natural beauty.

Luke enjoys his role, especially the great people, teamwork and the wide range of challenges. “The best part of my job is working with clients – helping get the results they can be proud of”, says Luke.  Stellar is well-positioned to provide change through transformation advisory for executives and through the advanced use of business intelligence and analytics across business units.

From banking to business intelligence…the customer always in the first place

Following tertiary education at Canterbury and Massey universities, Luke started his career with the ANZ Bank in Auckland and Wellington. This led him to business analysis roles at Reuters and Barclays in London before heading to South Africa. He built software and credit risk and marketing solutions for banks, retailers and insurers in the financial services sector. Firstly, as a contractor and then as an executive at a highly successful data, analytics and software consultancy.

Luke has had experience with developing a range of profit-based credit and engagement strategies across the customer lifecycle.  Key to this task is the sourcing quality information on customers either directly from clients or compliant third-parties as ingredients for advanced predictive analysis. Currently, he is helping several government organisations get better results for the taxpayer through improving quality, trust and access to data.

Luke’s mantra: Improving customers experience through their data

Luke really gets a kick out of enabling Stellar clients to do better with data. The end goal is a better experience for customers and employees, and depending on the sector also improved returns for shareholders and/or the taxpayer.

Luke knows how to use data and processes to build better relationships between people and organisations. He is excited to use advanced analytics to support operational and executive decision making.

Re-exploring New Zealand

Luke is excited about being back in New Zealand and re-exploring the country with his wife and two daughters. He enjoys different types of exercising, tennis and skiing. Luke would love to talk with you about ways in which data and information can help your organisation do better.


Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data, Stellar News, Stellar People, Technology



7 Essentials of BI SuccessBusiness IntelligenceNew ZealandStellarWellington

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