

The transition to digital government

New Zealand parliament and government building

There's no argument that being an effective modern organisation requires the leveraging of digital technology. Whether it's cloud computing, mobile apps or business intelligence solutions, the productivity, efficiency and engagement benefits are impossible to ignore.

While much of the discussion around digital is focused on business, government agencies are also able to tap into new capabilities while improving service delivery and citizen interaction. This is well recognised in the New Zealand government, where the transition to digital continues.

The Result 10 initiative

Initially announced in 2012, the Result 10 strategy is designed to make interaction between government and citizens much easier and more convenient by adapting to a digital environment. The aim of the strategy was to handle around 70 per cent of the most common transactions through digital channels by 2017.

The blueprint for Result 10 is built around three key elements:

  • Digital by design – building new service capabilities digitally, streamlining interactions across smart, secure platforms.
  • Digital by default – rather than being an option, digital will become the norm for how government does things moving forward.
  • Digital by choice – making digital solutions intuitive and efficient so New Zealanders choose to use them over other methods. 

In its most recent Result 10 report to Cabinet – covering April-Oct 2016 – Internal Affairs reported that work was on track to achieve the target for 70 per cent of New Zealanders' most common transactions with government being completed in a digital environment by 2017, and that business savings of $77 million per annum had been achieved – still short of the target of $100 million by 2017.

The NZ Government is tapping into innovative digital capabilities

Result 10 in action

One of the most visible elements of the Result 10 strategy thus far has been the RealMe system. Developed to enable citizens to access a wide range of government services with a single username and password, RealMe is a key ingredient in making integrated digital services possible for the government.

The benefits for citizens are chiefly in the realm of convenience – with their RealMe account established, verifying identity and engaging with vital government services has been streamlined into a much more accessible and consistent system. For the government, on the other hand, building an accurate database of citizen information opens up opportunities for intelligence tools to conduct sophisticated analysis, all in the service of better understanding what services are performing well and developing new initiatives.

Stellar Consulting has been working closely on digital and BI strategy with several NZ Government departments, including the Department of Conservation, Ministry for Primary Industries and Inland Revenue. Get in touch with us today for more details about how we can make service delivery more effective.



Strategy, Technology



GovernmentNew Zealand

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